Northeast Pasture Consortium Resources

NRAES Reports

These Cooperative Extension publications, all edited by NEPC member Edward B. Rayburn, were developed for the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES).

New England Forage and Weed ID and Management Training Project

This NESARE-funded project, led by Sid Bosworth, Richard Brzozowski, Rick Kersbergen, and Deb Heleba, was completed in 2016. The presentations, fact sheets, and other documents produced are now hosted by NEPC.

Other Resources

There are many other great resources out there.

  • One of the best: eOrganic. This project is sponsored by the USDA and Oregon State, and the land grant universities, and covers all aspects of organic agriculture. eOrganic posts articles, videos and webinars on very nearly any topic you can think of.

  • eOrganic is part of the larger eXtension system, a major online initiative from Cooperative Extension. This site covers all sorts of agricultural topics.

  • podcast: Grazing Grass: Helping Grass Farmers Produce Forages for Livestock. Grazing management topics from all over the world.

We welcome submissions via any of the contact methods on the sidebar.