There is a great deal of fear and uncertainty around the COVID-19 outbreak, and both short- and long-term effects on agriculture, supply chains, and human lives.

As we find reliable information on agriculture and COVID-19, this page will be updated.

PASA’s summary of Pennsylvania guidelines for farms and markets. PASA has also recorded a webinar with useful information on both PA regulations and broader health and safety concerns.

An ongoing webinar series begins April 8: Farming during COVID: A webinar series on adapting to crisis.

Join Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) for a free webinar series designed to help family farmers and ranchers adapt, stay informed and keep our local food system going strong. Learn from fellow producers and from experts about the challenges facing our farms as well as strategies to stay in business, keep our crews safe and employed, and to continue growing healthy food for our communities, come what may.

Penn State Extension has made many online courses free for now. Courses of interest to the NEPC community include Beef Production and Management, Writing a Manure Management Plan, Best Milking Practices, and Introduction to Value-Added Dairy.

The Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association has launched a family-friendly online activity page.

UVM Extension has many relevant resources.

Effects on dairy

Challenges within the supply chain are resulting in thousands of gallons of milk being dumped, even as there are shortages and restrictions on dairy at the consumer level. Why?



