2019 Research Priorities
Explore new methods to transfer knowledge and information to increase adoption of research findings within the agriculture community; incorporate social science research into increased adoption and technology transfer
Including Farm Bureau to additionally influence regulations and legislations
USDA-ARS—-keep working with and building partnerships
Seek new contact with USDA-NRCS Chief, commitment to encourage reps from every state (electronic options for joining?)
Strengthen Extension research connections, work listservs and across communication methods
University research connections, work listservs and across communication methods—-use OREI funding opportunity
Invite farmers from all NEPC states (Cedar Tree grant—-NE states, could apply to USDA OTT, USDA-NIFA Scott Angle)
Ecosystems Services and Disservices from Pasture Systems and Grazing Management
Impacts to riparian areas
Impacts to water quality (citizen involvement)
Wildlife benefits to adaptive grazing management
Impacts of permanent stream and streambank exclusion from livestock grazing riparian area pastures
Economic models for ecosystem service payments (measurement, payment, structure)
Silvopasture contributions to carbon sequestration; adaptive strategy in changing climate conditions
Research adjustments in forage management needs in a changing climate
Regional management approaches (understanding variability)
Species adaptation and evaluation (meadow fescue, use of annuals, increase in invasive plants)
Soil biology and management impacts on animal health and human health
Small ruminant parasite research at WVU, Rhode Island, Cornell
Red and white clover functions in animal and soil health, pollinators, forage and animal production
Grazing management as it affects soil health (compaction, worms)
Further research in meat and dairy products regarding human nutrition and health
Fatty acid updates, importance of side chains on long chain FAs (Jana Kraft), and short chain FAs
Artificial gut for milk digestibility
Whole milk/fats
C3, C4 grasses, forbs, and effects on O-3 in milk and meat
Addressing the Heavy Use Area/Pasture interface (vegetation management)
Comparison of options (deep-bed packs, composted packs, wood chips)
Biological composition of bedded packs and livestock health (mastitis—-John Barlow & Deb Neher)
Bale grazing & in-field winter management/calving
Species evaluation for vegetated heavy use areas
Farm profitability and upcoming cultural/societal changes
Compare different philosophies, results, benchmarks
Development of artificial meat (and other animal products) and how will that affect our work, audience, research
Ecological/carbon footprint of animal production compared to ecological footprints of alternative products
Quality assurance program requirements; impacts on profitability