Good Grazing Practices

with Sarah Flack

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

5:00 – 6:30pm

$10 members/$15 non-members

This workshop will cover the basic principles of good grazing management systems, first from the perspective of the plants, and then from the perspective of the livestock. We will discuss how to monitor pastures and animals in order to maximize dry matter intake from pasture and use grazing to improve pasture quality and productivity. We will discuss how to use different stocking densities, pre and post grazing heights, length of rest periods, different plant species to improve pasture and strategies to maximize dry matter intake from pasture. With the use photos of pastures, sheep, goats and cows to talk about how to observe and monitor pastures and cattle to better understand if grazing systems are working the way they should.

Please pre-register before noon on Monday, March 28th.

All workshops are remote, presented on the Zoom platform. Advance registration recommended. For more information contact

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