The 2020 Northeast Pasture Consortium annual meeting was held January 15 and 16, 2020, at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT.

The full meeting report may be downloaded as two large pdfs, Part 1 and Part 2, or as individual presentations below.

Session 1 - The Fescues – Soft-leaved and Meadow

Jessica Williamson, Penn State University, University Park, PAOverview of Tall Fescue Toxicosis

Jerome Magnuson, DLF Pickseed, Halsey, OR - Tall Fescue: Advances in Forage Quality and Palatability

Jerry Cherney, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - Meadow fescue: A Perennial Grass Option for the Northeast

Session 2 – Pastured Pigs – Feed and Grazing Management

Phil Race, Valley View Devons, Nunda, NY - Harnessing the Instinctive Behaviors of Pigs on Our Farm

Session 3 - The Do’s and Don’ts of Silvopasture

Kate MacFarland, US Forest Service, Burlington, VT & Will Byrum, USDA-NRCS, Greensboro, NC - What is and isn’t Silvopasture in the Northeast?

Jeff Jourdain, Jourdain Forest Management, Becket, MAExperiences Establishing Silvopasture from a Forest

Kevin Ogles, USDA-NRCS, Greensboro, NC - How to Identify the Primary Objective of Integrating Animals and Woodlands. Is Silvopasture Actually the Objective?

Poster Paper Break Session

Poster abstracts

Session 4 – Getting the Most out of Winter Grazing by Forage Species Selection/Management and Grazing Management

Jessica Williams, Penn State - Interseeding Forages into Corn to Extend the Grazing Season

Heather Darby, UVM - Extending the Grazing Season in the Northeast

Troy Bishopp, Upper Susquehanna Coalition Regional Grassland Conservation Professional - My Quest for Winter Grazing: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Producer Showcase

Randy Robar, Kiss the Cow Farm, Barnard, VT - Kiss the Cow Farm, an organic, grass-based dairy selling raw milk and ice cream, pastured eggs, chickens, ducks, and turkeys.

Lora Goss, Stonefen Farm, Pike, NHStonefen Farm’s Grass-fed Beef Operation

Session 5 – Pasture Soil Compaction: Identification and Remediation

Fay Benson, Cornell University, Cortland, NY - Identifying and Quantifying Pasture Soil Compaction

Larry Hepner, Consulting Agronomist & Soil Scientist, South Kortright, NY - Soil Structure Changes Due to Pasture Soil Compaction

Session 6 - Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Management

Mark Dubin, University of Maryland Extension, Annapolis, MD - Reliance Chesapeake Bay States are Placing on Pasture Management Practices for Achieving their TMDL Reduction Goals in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Annual meeting

Public and Private Sectors Research, Education, and Technical Assistance Priorities Deliberation Breakout sessions

Business Meeting



